What exactly does double down mean

In gambling what exactly does the term "double down" mean? I hear it allot in pop culture and all kinds of other things, so i was just curious what it actually meant. Follow 13 answers 13 ...

What does it mean to upload a file to another site, or download something from the web? What is the difference between a download and an upload? A ping is a term used to refer to a tool that checks to see if a website is down or not. ... What Exactly is YouTube? … What does double mean? - Definitions.net GCIDE(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Double(n.) A player or singer who prepares to take the part of another player in his absence; a substitute; -- used especially of a person who resembles an actor and takes the actor's place in scenes requiring special skills; as, a stunt double. Exactly | Definition of Exactly at Dictionary.com But what exactly is the spring equinox? And does an equinox happen at the start of every season? First, let’s get into the equinox, which actually occurs just twice a year. What does the phrase 'double down' mean in the sentence ...

Double Down | Definition of Double Down by Merriam-Webster

"The Nuts" ..... what exactly does it mean? On another forum (not poker related) they are arguing about the meaning of The Nuts. One guy says you can have the nuts post flop, because.This is a discussion on "The Nuts" ..... what exactly does it mean? within the online poker forums, in the General Poker section; On another forum (not poker... What does double means? | Digital Point They do exactly the same thing, it's just that DOUBLE is exactly that - double precision.I find it a laugh when C syntax languages say "float" when they mean "single" . It's like going into a restaurant where they only have two sizes, medium and large. What does double g mean What do you mean double graduate? Double Graduate is a person who have recieved two degrees indifferent extremes. e.g a person who have done BBA and B.ed will beholding two degrees andYou click your mouse exactly 2 times in the same spot, within a certain time, often within one half second.

By at least the 1990s, the gambling sense of double down extended as a metaphor to a more general sense of “engaging in risky behavior.”

What Does Double Down Mean In Politics | Double Down Urban Dictionary 2019 President Trump 'doubles down': What exactly does that mean ... Aug 18, 2017 ... A look at what it means when the President "doubles down" ... doubling down has become an everyday phrase in today's ... double down - Wiktionary - Wiktionary, the free dictionary He'd bet three thousand and double down to six thousand, all of it hanging on the turn of the next card. (by extension, often followed by the preposition on) To double or significantly increase a risk, investment, or other commitment. 2007, Peter Beinart, "," Time ... Stock market goes up/down by % ? What does this mean exactly? | Yahoo Respostas Stock market goes up/down by % ? What does this mean exactly? When someone says that the market has risen by 3% what does it mean? That it has risen by 3% of the total value of the market? Seguir 8 respostas 8 Denunciar abuso Você tem certeza ...

What exactly does GOOD NUTRITION even mean?

In programming, what exactly do you mean by a top down… For the top-down approach, initially, you would start with a very general blue print of what the system must do, maybe a few sentences describing what the system does and a picture with some labels. Then using that first blue print as guidance and inspiration you would construct a second (more... What exactly does Delta 9 mean? | Marijuana Forums I know the structure for THC is Delta-9-Tetrahydrocanninbol*(sp?) but what does that exactly infer? :coolMarijuana cigarettes (3.1% Delta(9)-THC, q.i.d.) were smoked or Delta(9)-THC (20 mg, q.i.d.) was taken orally using a staggered, double-blind, double-dummy procedure for three consecutive...

Does that mean like pushing enter between each line or just double spacing after each sentence or what? Thanks guys, my brain is fried so that's why I am asking y' ...

Of course I was using many "double insulated" power tools, and it got me wondering exactly what this term really means.to it being double insulated, or does the GFCI account for whatever protection the double insulation provides? What exactly does Double mean in java? - java Double is a wrapper class, The Double class wraps a value of the primitive type double in an object.In others it is not so obvious. For instance if you are doing calculations such as inverting a matrix or calculating a standard deviation, the extra precision may be critical. What Exactly Does ‘Instantaneous’ Mean? What does math say? When Newton and Leibniz developed the calculus, they were forced to confront the infinitely small.Then the average speed over that interval is 2 m/s and you’d probably agree that is a better approximation to what we mean by the instantaneous velocity of the object at that point.

Pi appears all over math and nature, not just in circles. Here's why. When to double down at online casinos - Blackjack tips Doubling down is one of the most important skills of a blackjack player and could be the difference between winning and losing. A guide for online players Rhetorical Question Blunder - TV Tropes